Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Is that a cliff ahead?

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Last night I hauled out everything we had received for the wedding and took things out of boxes and started putting stuff away so stuff isn't stacked up a mile high in the spare room, and the stuff I ordered for the wedding itself, like reception favors and my garter and such, are all in the same place and easily grabbed.

I wrapped the wedding party gifts.

Fiance and I spent 2 hours stuffing little mints into organza bags and taking bubble bottles shaped like wedding cakes out of boxes, and putting everything into bags for transport to reception place. Kitten Jinx was in heaven with all the stuff for him to crawl into and shred. We spent half the time chasing him away from the little frilly bags and tissue paper. He was having great fun! He couldn't understand why we wouldn't let him play with all the neat stuff.

We realize we don't have a designated person to drive the favors, bridal portrait, and guest sign in book to reception location the morning of the wedding. Hoping my cousin can do it.

We had hoped one of his brothers could drive the car we are renting from Enterprise and act as chauffeur. (cheaper than a limo, and we're getting a Mercedes) Brother was hesitant, because he needs to arrange a ride home for himself. Fiance is still trying to convince him. (I want to ask a friend of ours who might be more reliable) This is the same brother who frequently sports a ratty mullet and is currently refusing to cut his hair because he occasionally donates it. He's resisting requests from me, Fiance and Fiance's mother to cut it for the wedding, let it grow back and donate later. I guess it doesn't matter if he looks like 1990's Billy Ray Cyrus in a tux in my wedding pictures.

Fiance says if his brother's hair is still ratty on Friday night, he is personally cutting it off by force. (Or he can hold the guy down and let the nephews do it, brother's own 2 sons have been after him to cut it, they would be thrilled to be allowed to take scissors to their father's hair) Glad I'm not the one spending the night at his parents' house! (That's where Fiance is staying the night before, as is brother and nephews)

So many details keep cropping up, like the photographer can't be there until 11:30 (ceremony at noon) and the wedding coordinator doesn't think that's enough time to shoot "getting ready" pics, so I asked my cousin Sarah, the budding photographer, to do it, as well as come with us to the salon to shoot pics of us getting our hair done. Mom says I shouldn't have done that because cousin would be offended that we didn't ask her to shoot the entire wedding.

I then covered butts by telling cousin the reason I didn't ask her to was the same reason I didn't ask my chef cousins to cater, or my confectioner aunt to do the cakes, that I didn't want the family working the day of my wedding. (which is true actually) Sarah hasn't given any indication that she's offended at all and said she'd come to do the early pics

Mom worries too much about that sort of thing, "who am I offending?"

Then we don't have a frame for the bridal portrait at the reception place, so married sister Katie suggested getting just a blank white matte to put it in, and have people sign it, which I thought was a cute idea, so Fiance's looking for that today. Mom was put out that the photographer didn't frame the portrait. Given sister's idea, I'm glad she didn't. I like the signing idea.

I'm also juggling emails and phone calls between wedding coordinator, photographer, and brother in law's aunt who will be doing the videotaping.

Then someone pointed out that I accidentally left the ring bearer's name off the wedding ceremony programs. Can't reprint them now. I apologized profusely to his father, a friend who works with me. Friend assured me it was ok. I remembered him in the wedding announcement though.

Oh yes, the wedding announcement: It was supposed to run in the paper last Sunday, but photographer didn't want to send me a jpeg of the picture she took I had chosen to upload to the newspaper, told me to send her the pdf form filled out and she would upload everything to the newspaper website herself. Apparently she forgot, or it didn't go through, because it didn't run last week. So I redid the form, used a screen capture to grab the pic I wanted from her website, then uploaded everything myself. It'll run the day AFTER the wedding. I probably infringed some copyright to do that though.

And another thing: turns out the flowers we're getting from the reception place DID NOT include flowers for the church. Apparently we had discussed it but had balked at the final price and had decided to put it off. Funny, I remember thinking the big arrangement WAS included in what we discussed, but when I looked at it again, apparently not. We didn't want a ton of flowers anyway, but we did want SOME. So parents and I plan to run to Sam's Club Friday morning and grab an arrangement from their flower department. They're usually quite nice.

Still to do in the next 48 hours:

1) Make up a good luck charm purse to carry with me with stuff like fur from my black cat Jinx (it's good luck to meet a black cat on your wedding day), a cowrie shell, a small bell to scare away the evil spirits, an acorn for good luck, some rose quartz for love and a red thread to tie around my left wrist.

2) Hope Fiance's present from me to him comes in and wrap it. (I'm getting him an MP3 player to listen to on that long flight on the honeymoon)

3) write up thank you cards for gifts. I had two lists and I can't find one, so I'll have to rewatch the video of one of my showers of me opening gifts and see if I can figure out who gave me what from that day.

4) deposit $$$ to give payment to wedding coordinator and stipend to priest on Friday night.

5) Confirm all reservations for Friday and Saturday and all honeymoon reservations. We still don't have a confirmation letter from Fiance's parents' timeshare company saying they are gifting us their time at the hotel so we aren't sleeping on the beach.

6) load trip itinerary from TripIt.com to applications in new iPod Touch that was a gift. (whoohoo!) Researching some travel apps and Hawaii guidebook apps to install. Also planning to load some Hawaii movies on it to watch on the plane, like Lilo & Stitch, Blue Crush, and a few of the old Elvis Hawaii movies Blue Hawaii and Paradise Hawaiian Style.

7) Remind Fiance on Thursday to pick up his tux and free suit he gets from Men's Wearhouse for having more than 5 people rent tuxes on our ticket.

8) Arrange for reception place to give my parents the top tier of the cake and wedding cake topper at end of reception, and Fiance's parents the grooms cake.

9) See if cousin can bring favors, portrait and guestbook to reception place that morning.

10) shop for some tank tops for Hawaii and new bathing suit. (can probably do next week)

11) Pay my state income tax, it'll be due when I'm away in Hawaii.

12) Get portrait matte to sign at reception and flowers for church from Sam's

13) Pick up key from church for room where we'll get ready.

No pressure....not at all.

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