Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Engagement party at mom and dad's:

1) Spent all day Saturday cleaning what is not a small house! My sister is a hoarder and it's taken over the entire upstairs with nastiness and it was making its way down the steps. I managed to get all her nasty crap back up into the upstairs (and some thrown away) and make the downstairs look like civilized people live in the house again. Required three rounds of sweeping and mopping twice, a coat of Future on the Mexican tile floor and wood floor cleanser on the wood floors, scented candles all over and a massive scrubdown, but the house looked awesome. A kiddie gate kept people from going upstairs and seeing the horror. The cleaning also involved cleaning up all the cat puke and dog pee that never gets cleaned up from the 3 Persian cats and chihuahua because my parents are not physically able to anymore and my sister never cleans up after herself much less her animals. I took the steam cleaner and hit the carpets and furniture and made the entire downstairs look brand new.

2) The table was covered in enough food to feed a third world country: deviled eggs, dips, veggie trays, cheese trays, a bowl of grapes, miniature cheesecakes, slices of mini salamis, chicken salad sandwiches, and trays of olives. None of it was left by the end of the night.

3) My flower girl (2 year old niece) and ring bearer( 6 year old son of some friends) get along great. They were running screaming through the house, which drove my mother up the wall, and my niece was bossing him around. His father told him "Son that's just a prelude of things to come." Smile The kid was very patient with my niece.

4) Family got to meet friends, friends got to meet family, massage coworkers got to meet all of the above. Everyone wanted to hear about our issues with the board.

5) When playing hostess, there is always a level of guilt that you didn't spend nearly as much time with (insert name) as your should have, that you hoped (insert name) wouldn't feel left out or like they didn't know anyone. I did make an effort to talk to everyone and say goodbye to whoever was leaving.

6) Niece wanted me to come in the back and watch Elmo with her. Felt guilty that I really couldn't. Once everyone had left, I went back there with her and collapsed on her Elmo pull out chair with her. (She had gotten her jammies on) My middle sister, her mother, found us nearly out cold and almost hated to pick up niece to bring her home. (We looked so cozy, she said) I for one was not in favor of moving at that point, until Fiance pointed out that if I didn't, I'd be spending the night upstairs with youngest sister because he was going home. =o) Funny how motivating that is.

7) Cleanup was alot faster than I thought since it was all on disposable trays and there wasn't much left! House was still pretty clean. Had to endure my mother criticizing how my friends let their son run around like an animal. OK first of all, he's a 6 year old boy and he's rambunctious and the crush of people and noise wound him up, he's not like that regularly. Second, you knew it was going to be mayhem. And third, we'll talk about who let's their offspring run around crazy after we examine who let their youngest daughter, at 27 years old ( my youngest sister) run around in an outfit she's all but falling out of, forget to take her anti-hyper medicine and in general run around making inappropriate jokes at my and Fiance's expense thinking she's being cute and ordering me around with such jewels as "Ashley, our cousins have been here for 20 minutes, why don't you go say hi to your family rather than jabbering about geek shit over here with your pals?" (in front of my friends) I went, but to get her away from my friends, not because she ordered me. One of our guy friends turned to my fiance and said "Wow. Just Wow." Fiance could only sigh and say "yeah." So let's not go criticizing my friends' parenting of a 6 year old, shall we?

Other than that, though, I think everyone had a good time. I avoided youngest sister and had fun showing my friends where I had grown up.

Can't wait to see what the Bridal shower my sisters are throwing me is going to be like.

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