Thursday, June 4, 2009

Keeping that sense of humor

In a recent issue of The Catholic Commentator, the Baton Rouge Diocese's monthly newsletter, there was a humorous column that went like this:

"Our Turn" by Therese Borchard

Since we're getting into bride season, I feel obligated to mention that gigantic elephant on the wedding altar: the tension between engaged couples and the priests or deacons who are marrying them.

Truthfully, I can see both sides.

I have coffee with my deacon friend every month, and I hear how demanding and annoying and insensitive some of these brides (and grooms) are, how little they know about the Catholic faith and the sacraments, (like, say, marriage) and how many decide on a church based on how well the stained glass windows will go with the bridesmaids dresses.

If the violet in the 11th Station of the Cross won't blend with the coral, strapless gowns, better drive uptown to a station-less church.

And I get the bride's side: "Why do I have to tell this man I hardly know whether or not my fiance and I are sleeping together? It's none of his business. And all these's like I'm applying for social security or something. No, worse! The government process doesn't even require weekly interrogations with a grumpy old guy or a weekend in the basement of a church with a bunch of strangers who lied on thier applications, saying that they absolutely do not live together."

Ah. The Catholic website to the rescue!

Recently, Christine B Whelan, an Iowa-based professor and the author of BustedHalo's popular "Pure Sex, Pure Love" column has joined forced via iChat with Paulist Father Eric Andrews, who has over 15 years of wedding experience.

Whelna speaks from the bride's perspective: Why can't you get married on the beach? Why is the priest being such a jerk? Why do we have to talk about sex during Pre-Cana? And Father Andrews responds from the other side of the culture war, with much humility and humor, I might add.

The playful banter between Whelan and Father Andrews educates young adults on some very important subjects in an interesting, creative and entertaining way.

If you are a young adult getting married and have a question about planning your wedding, email your question to them or record a short video with your question, and send it to

Naturally I found that pretty funny, since I'm in the throes of wondering most of that myself, so on a lark, I headed over to the website and checked out the wecasts of "The Princess, The Priest and the War for the Perfect Wedding." As promised, they were informative and entertaining and a necessary reminder to keep that sense of humor!

Check them out here:

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